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Clear Braces for Adults

added on: August 24, 2015

Adults in need of orthodontic treatment are typically adverse to traditional braces. Silver braces or those with youthful colors can look fine, even whimsical and fun in teenage mouths, but in adults the effect is often one less pleasing. If you are an adult in need of orthodontic treatment in Iowa, clear braces are likely the best solution for your smile.

To learn about the benefits of clear braces for adults, call Marion dentist Dr. Blaine McLaughlin at 319-373-5082 to schedule an appointment today.


Dr. McLaughlin offers Invisalign® to adults in need of orthodontic solutions that cannot be met with cosmetic treatments such as porcelain veneers or dental bonding. Invisalign is an ideal solution for adults not only because the aligners are invisible, but also because they can be removed for eating and tooth cleaning. This enables adults to maintain a complex diet and keep their teeth white and healthy during their orthodontic treatment. These and other benefits offered by Invisalign can be discussed in greater detail during your initial consultation with Dr. McLaughlin.

To schedule your clear braces consultation at our Marion, Iowa office, please contact Dental Touch Associates today.

Posted In: Invisalign